The EAK operational policies are as follows:

1. The EAK performs all its statutory activities, in particular accreditation and assessment of competence requested by the State and the Estonian economical operators, in compliance with the relevant legal acts, international standards and guidance documents.
2. The EAK does not provide any conformity assessment services provided by its customers.
3. The EAK makes its services accessible to all applicants operating in Estonia, whose requests for accreditation fall within the scope of its statutory activities as defined in the EVS|EAK Articles of Association and in the "List of services provided by the Estonian Accreditation Centre" without any additional limiting conditions. The EAK activities abroad are limited to exceptional cases only, strictly following the relevant EU and EA rules.
4. The EAK will not accredit any applicant operating conformity assessment scheme, which is not in line with the international standard establishing requirements for the relevant conformity assessment bodies.
5. The EAK accredits exclusively the conformity assessment activity actually performed with the proven competence.
6. The EAK extends its scope of activities described in the document "List of services provided by the Estonian Accreditation Centre" on the request of stakeholders provided there is market`s demand for the specific conformity assessment service and the EAK has access to the relevant competent personnel. If the new conformity assessment scheme is established by the national legislation, the assessment principles, requirements and procedures are agreed together with the national interest groups before the EAK decides on extending its activities.
7. As a rule, the EAK undertakes all its accreditation activities, including the assessment, decision-making and surveillance, itself without subcontracting. If the assessment will be carried out abroad the EAK may subcontract the assessment to the local AB, provided that it is a signatory to the relevant EA MLA.
8. The EAK carries out its assessment activities with integrity, in a cost- effective, non-discriminatory and professional manner.
9. The EAK ensures impartiality and managing conflict of interest as well as objectivity, competence and consistency of its accreditation activities.
10. The EAK financial independence is ensured via self-financing, except with regard to the expenses related to the international cooperation and direct services to the State.
11. The EAK international policy is to support and actively contribute to the international cooperation between accreditation bodies with the particular aim to achieve and maintain a signatory status to the EA multilateral recognition arrangement MLA and to promote the significance of it as well as reliability of conformity assessment results covered by the MLA.

Tasks and aims


Otsingujuhis: Konkreetse valdkonna akrediteeritud mõõtjate ja/või vastavus- hindajate leidmiseks palume sisestada otsinguaknasse vastav märksõna, näiteks:
  • ''elektripaigaldis''
  • ''valgustatus''
  • ''töökeskkonna''
  • ''ehitusmaterjal''
  • Estonian Accreditation Centre Phone: +372 6 055 050 Privacy
    Akadeemia tee 21/6, Tallinn 12618, ESTONIA E-mail: