
Accreditation is carried out by an independent non-profit accreditation body, which is recognized by government and complies with requirements of the relevant international standards (e.g. ISO/IEC 17011).
In Estonia such body is the Estonian Accreditation Centre (EAK), established by the Minister of Economic Affairs on 4 January 2000. EAK is fulfilling the tasks of the Estonian National Accreditation Body. Since the beginning of 2021 the EAK constitutes a structural unit of the Non-Profit Association Estonian Centre for Standardisation and Accreditation (EVS|EAK).
Based on the Product Conformity Act (in force since 01.10.2010) a Governmental Decree was issued on 8 July 2010 on assigning EAK with the tasks of the Estonian National Accreditation Body (in the meaning of the Regulation No 765/2008/EC). The Product Conformity Act sets forth also the main tasks of EAK as well as the rates of accreditation fees.
In Europe the competence of accreditation bodies of different countries is checked via peerevaluations coordinated by the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA). In case of the positive results of a peerevaluation an accreditation body is entitled to become or remain a Signatory to the EA MLA (multilateral agreement). According to the EU Regulation No 765/2008 nationally recognized accreditation bodies of EU member states are obliged to cooperate in EA and regularly undergo its peerevaluations. The members of EA MLA recognize each other accreditations as equivalent. EAK is a Signatory to all 7 EA MLAs since 10 April 2014.
Since May 18, 2023 EAK is a full member of the ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) Mutual Recognition Agreement (ILAC MRA) in the field of accreditation of calibration, testing and medical laboratories and inspection bodies.