
The accredited conformity assessment bodies (CAB) are obliged to:
1) commit to fulfil continually the reqquirements for accreditation for te scope for which accreditation is granted and to provide evidence of fulfilment;
2) cooperate as is necessary to enable the accreditation body to verify fulfilment of requirements for accreditation;
3) provide access to CAB`s personnel, locations, equipment, information, documents and records as necessary to verify fulfilment of requirements for accreditation;
4) arrange the witnessing of conformity assessment activities when requested by the accreditation body;
5) have legally enforceable arrangements with their clients that commit the clients to provide, on request, access to accreditation body assessment teams to assess the CAB´s performance at the client`s site;
6) claim accreditation only with respect to the scope for which it has been granted;
7) commit to follow the accreditation body`s policy fot the use of the accreditation symbol and reference to the CAB`s accredited status;
8) avoid using accreditation in such manner as to bring the accreditaton body into disrepute;
9) inform the accreditation body without delay of significant changes relevant to its accreditation;
10) pay fees as determined by the accreditation body;
11) assist in the investigation and resolution of any accreditation-related complaints about the CAB referred to it by the accreditation body.
The accredited CABs are entitled to use the accreditation symbol and/or to refer to their accredited status on the reports, certificates and other documents presenting the results of conformity assessment activities within their scope of accreditation in accordance with the accreditation body`s policy.