To apply for an accreditation an official application shall be presented to EAK.

Applications Applications (available only in Estonian) are specific for each accreditation area (testing laboratory, calibration laboratory, medical laboratory, inspection body, product certification body etc.). Along with the application the relevant questionnaire filled in shall be provided as well.

In application (or in an attachment) the desired accreditation scope shall be described as detailed as possible.

Apart from the above also a quality manual, report on the last management review, summary data on the proficiency testing results, if relevant, and other important documents, shall be submitted.

As a rule, a preliminary or full initial assessment visit will be carried out or agreed upon within one month after receiving by EAK all necessary documents.



Otsingujuhis: Konkreetse valdkonna akrediteeritud mõõtjate ja/või vastavus- hindajate leidmiseks palume sisestada otsinguaknasse vastav märksõna, näiteks:
  • ''elektripaigaldis''
  • ''valgustatus''
  • ''töökeskkonna''
  • ''ehitusmaterjal''
  • Estonian Accreditation Centre Phone: +372 6 055 050 Privacy
    Akadeemia tee 21/6, Tallinn 12618, ESTONIA E-mail: