Tasks and aims
Accreditation Council
Technical Committees
Membership & EA MLA
Legal background
Accreditation in Estonia
How to get to EAK
Management System
What is accreditation and what can be accredited?
Why is accreditation needed?
Who is carrying out the accreditation?
Criteria for accreditation
Assessment and attestation of technical competence
Handling of appeals and complaints
List of standards for accreditation
EA, IAF and ILAC Guidance Documents
EAK guidance documents for accreditation
Estonian legal acts
Rights and obligations of accredited CABs
Medical laboratories
PT providers
GHG verifiers
Testing laboratories
Calibration laboratories
Management system certification bodies
EMAS verifiers
Persons certification bodies
Product, process and service certification bodies
Inspection bodies
EAK News
List of standards for accreditation
List of EAK documents for accreditation
How to get to EAK
Since January 1, 2021 EAK is located at address AKADEEMIA TEE 21/6, 12618 TALLINN. Phone + 372 6 055 050, e-post info@eak.ee.
Quick links
Konkreetse valdkonna akrediteeritud mõõtjate ja/või vastavus- hindajate leidmiseks palume sisestada otsinguaknasse vastav märksõna, näiteks:
Estonian Accreditation Centre
Phone: +372 6 055 050
Akadeemia tee 21/6, Tallinn 12618, ESTONIA