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Nr Name Date
I049 A.V.R. Elekter Ltd Accreditation withdrawn from 08.01.2023
I074 AIA Elekter OÜ 07.10.2024
I053 Alice Labor OÜ 21.06.2024
I091 AmSpec Estonia OÜ 02.01.2024
I094 Association of Estonian Welders MTÜ 26.06.2024
I085 Bureau Technical Inspection OÜ 16.08.2024
I081 Caleb Brett Eesti OÜ Accred. suspended from 03.08.2021 and accred. withdrawal from 09.11.2021
I013 Connecto Infra AS 11.02.2025
I073 Eesti Energia AS Elektritööd Accred.withdrawal from 25.03.2020
I097 Elektrihalduse OÜ 13.03.2024
I083 Elektrikontroll OÜ Accreditation withdrawn from 30.10.2022
I096 Elektrikontroll OÜ 24.07.2024
I071 Elektrikontrolli Teenused Ltd 24.01.2024
I098 Elektrilevi OÜ 03.07.2024
I045 Elektripaigalduse Ltd 18.12.2024
I016 Elektritsentrum AS 11.01.2024
I092 Elgrid OÜ Accred.withdrawal from 14.06.2022
I090 Elme TKS OÜ 10.04.2024
I067 Elpeko Ltd 30.08.2024
I019 Elrato Ltd 10.03.2024
I068 Eltam Ltd 27.02.2024
I060 Enefit AS Accreditation withdrawn from 31.12.2024
I064 Energiaring Ltd 14.07.2024
I014 Enersense Ltd 26.06.2024
I072 Estonian Forensic Science Institute 18.04.2024
I038 Gaslab Ltd 16.12.2024
I076 I.M.C.S. Eesti OÜ Accred. withdrawn from 12.05.2022
I086 Indikaator MEF Ltd 24.10.2024
I088 Inspect Ltd 23.12.2024
I095 Inspectorate Estonia AS 08.08.2024
I084 Instant Eesti OÜ 07.03.2024
I034 Joala Elekter Ltd 17.04.2024
I040 Kaalukoda A.A. Ltd 07.05.2024
I015 KH Energia-Konsult Ltd. 16.12.2023
I002 KIWA Estonia OÜ 30.01.2025
I010 Leonhard Weiss Ltd. 27.05.2024
I070 Matiek Partner Ltd Accreditation withdrawn from 01.08.2022
I056 Melte OÜ 13.01.2024
I041 Metrex Mõõtekeskus OÜ Accreditation withdrawn from 10.08.2024
I050 Metrosert Ltd 19.08.2024
I065 MHV Elektrikontroll Ltd 17.09.2024
I048 Parkli HL Ltd. 14.09.2023
I058 Peetri OÜ 24.07.2024
I044 PREM TEST OÜ Accreditation suspended from 17.12.2024
I078 Pristis AS Accred.withdrawal from 08.09.2020
I087 Saare Elektroservis OÜ 14.11.2024
I004 SGS Estonia Ltd 20.03.2021
I018 Siivert Elektrikontroll Ltd 21.11.2023
I052 Taatluslabor WEGA OÜ 12.06.2024
I007 Tallinn University of Technology Department of Energy Tehnology Accred.withdrawal from 12.11.2020
I089 Technical Certification Center OÜ 17.07.2024
I080 Tehnoaudit OÜ 19.09.2024
I066 Tehnokontroll Ltd 13.02.2025
I047 Tepso Labor Ltd 15.01.2024
I079 TÜV Eesti OÜ Accreditation suspended from 15.12.2024
I093 Urgardi Elektrikontroll OÜ 19.09.2024
I026 V.L. Tehnoekspert Ltd 01.10.2024

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  • ''elektripaigaldis''
  • ''valgustatus''
  • ''töökeskkonna''
  • ''ehitusmaterjal''
  • Estonian Accreditation Centre Phone: +372 6 055 050 Privacy
    Akadeemia tee 21/6, Tallinn 12618, ESTONIA E-mail: