EAK permanent staff is 11 and it contains 2 Heads of Accreditation Units (acting also Lead Assessors), the Quality Manager and 8 Lead Assessors. In addition round 150 external technical assessors and experts are used in assessments.
Contact data of the EAK permanent personnel:
Eire Endrekson, MBA, Head of EAK
Phone: 5 071 782
e-mail: eire@eak.ee
Anastassia Filimonova, Quality Manager
Phone: 56 676 821
e-mail: anastassia@eak.ee
Evelin Lauri, Accreditation coordinator
Phone: 53 032 902
e-mail: evelin@eak.ee
Paavo Ruzitsh, BSc, Head of Testing, Calibration and Measurement Unit - Accreditation Manager
Phone: 5 253 906
e-mail: paavo@eak.ee
Kairi Otto, PhD, Head of Certification, Inspection and Verification Unit - Accreditation Manager
Phone: 5 183 985
e-mail: kairi@eak.ee
Kaire Tõugu, MSc, Lead Assessor
Phone: 5 177 571
e-mail: kaire@eak.ee
Maia Valm, MSc, Lead Assessor
Phone: 53 021 211
e-mail: maia@eak.ee
Toomas Tiivel, PhD, Lead Assessor
Phone: 53829991
e-mail: toomas@eak.ee
Marko Part, PhD, Lead Assessor
Phone 53 825 557
e-mail: marko@eak.ee
Ana Jurkeviciute, MSc, Lead Assessor
Phone: 59 186 669
e-mail: Ana@eak.ee
Kristina Egorova, MSc, Lead Assessor
Phone: 56 999 258
e-mail: Kristina@eak.ee
Aleksandr Prokopenko, MSc, Lead Assessor
Phone: 53 933 378
e-mail: aleksandr@eak.ee
Tiina Kirsipuu, PhD, Lead Assessor
Phone: 58 788 778
e-mail: tiina.kirsipuu@eak.ee
NB! Common e-mail: info@eak.ee