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Nr Name Date
L031 Narva-Bark Ltd Accred.withdrawal from 05.10.2020
L286 A.V.R. Elekter OÜ Accreditation withdrawn from 14.02.2025
L273 Aero Grupp OÜ 15.07.2024
L041 Amecon Ltd 15.05.2024
L283 AmSpec Estonia Ltd Accred.withdrawal from 02.06.2021
L303 AmSpec Estonia OÜ 19.09.2023
L039 Analiit OÜ 15.11.2023
L181 AZF Labor OÜ 11.01.2024
L218 ATP Sert Ltd 14.11.2024
L301 ATPDATA OÜ 08.05.2024
L190 Atria Estonia AS 13.02.2024
L290 BalRock Ltd 11.02.2025
L250 BioCC Ltd 26.06.2024
L240 Certer Ltd 03.05.2024
L053 Combiforest OÜ 26.06.2024
L095 Connecto Infra AS 11.02.2025
L269 Dimencio Katselabor OÜ Accred.withdrawal from 10.04.2019
L121 E-Service AS 31.01.2023
L052 Ecological Laboratory of Eesti Energia Ltd Accred.withdrawal from 01.01.2022
L093 Eesti Geoloogiateenistus Accred.withdrawal from 19.06.2020
L285 Electrical Power Engineering and mechatronics laboratory lighting technology of Tallinn University of Technology 20.05.2024
L178 Elektrikontroll Ltd. 28.01.2024
L311 Elektrilevi OÜ 03.07.2024
L210 Elektripaigalduse Ltd 26.09.2023
L108 Elektritsentrum Ltd 11.01.2024
L204 Elin Ltd 06.08.2024
L136 ELME TKS Ltd 15.01.2025
L105 Elrato Ltd. 05.03.2024
L107 Eltam Ltd 28.02.2024
L275 Enefit AS Accreditation withdrawn from 31.12.2024
L084 Enefit Energiatootmine AS Gaasipuhastuslabor Accred.withdrawal from 27.01.2021
L140 Enefit Power Ltd. 17.09.2024
L196 Enefit Solutions AS 01.09.2023
L274 Enefit Solutions AS 04.06.2024
L115 Enersense Ltd 24.07.2024
L175 Environmental Board Radiation Safety Department 17.06.2024
L037 Environmental Board Seed Control Laboratory Accred.withdrawal from 01.02.2021
L233 Epler & Lorenz Ltd 11.03.2025
L120 Erg Järva Ltd 09.04.2024
L008 Estonian Environmental Researche Centre Llc 19.06.2024
L127 Estonian Forensic Science Institute 27.02.2024
L009 Estonian Livestock Performance Recording Ltd. 15.01.2024
L179 Estonian Marine Institute of Tartu University 15.05.2024
L291 Estonian Rope Access Solutions Ltd Accreditation withdrawn from 13.12.2023
L299 Etnoehitus OÜ 21.03.2025
L288 Eurobio Lab Ltd Accreditation withdrawn from 22.11.2024
L272 Eurofins Environment Testing Estonia OÜ Accreditation withdrawn from 01.12.2024
L277 Fortis Elektriinsenerid OÜ 27.01.2022
L032 GL Grover Ltd Accreditation withdrawn from 16.05.2023
L247 GoCraft AS Accreditation withdrawn from 12.10.2022
L042 Health Board 23.01.2024
L228 Icosagen Ltd 12.02.2025
L144 Incolab Services Eesti Ltd. 30.08.2024
L209 Indikaator MEF Ltd 03.09.2024
L202 Inseneribüroo Steiger Ltd 19.09.2023
L029 Inspectorate Estonia Ltd 05.09.2024
L236 Interflo Ltd 15.05.2024
L010 Joint Clinical Veterinary laboratory. Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences Accreditation withdrawn from 08.02.2024
L297 Kajaja Acoustics OÜ 24.01.2024
L102 KH Energia-Konsult Ltd. 18.12.2023
L289 Kivikandur Ltd Accred.withdrawal from 01.09.2022
L170 Kiviõli Keemiatööstuse Osaühing 14.03.2025
L034 KIWA Estonia OÜ 20.02.2025
L282 KM Luft OÜ 24.08.2023
L251 KMG OÜ 05.09.2024
L014 Kohimo AS Accreditation suspended from 20.12.2023 and Accreditation withdrawn from 20.06.2024
L270 KVJ Mõõdistaja OÜ 09.05.2024
L051 Labor Pluss Ltd 29.12.2023
L266 Laboratory of Mining Conditions, Department of Geology, Tallinn University of Technology Accred.withdrawal from 26.01.2020
L200 Lami Projekt OÜ 03.09.2024
L147 Leonhard Weiss Ltd. 18.12.2023
L294 Maag Eesti AS 08.10.2023
L242 Majatehnik Ltd 03.12.2024
L257 Marine Ecology Lab of Marine Systems Institute at TalTech 11.10.2023
L088 Meliva AS 13.08.2024
L198 Melte OÜ 13.01.2024
L061 Metrosert Ltd 23.08.2024
L192 MGT Muuga Grain Terminaal Ltd Accred.withdrawal from 06.02.2022
L219 MHV Elektrikontroll Ltd 13.07.2024
L309 Miridon OÜ 30.05.2024
L307 Mõõdistusmehed OÜ 17.12.2024
L182 Narva Vesi Ltd 15.10.2024
L005 National Centre for Laboratory Research and Risk Assessment (VTLi õigusjärglane) 28.09.2023
L281 Nondestructive testing OÜ 16.04.2024
L263 Nordic Tersus Laboratory OÜ 22.10.2024
L183 Norma AS 14.09.2023
L255 North Estonian Medical Centre 27.05.2024
L201 NPM Silmet Ltd 24.07.2024
L271 Ohutu Töö Garant Ltd 30.01.2024
L239 Operail Repairs OÜ 19.04.2024
L296 P.P. Labor OÜ 04.12.2023
L040 Parkli HL Ltd Accred.withdrawal from 06.11.2019
L206 Peetri OÜ Accreditation withdrawn from 09.07.2023
L276 PortLabor OÜ Accreditation suspended from 05.04.2024 and Accreditation withdrawn from 18.09.2024
L262 Powtec OÜ 09.10.2024
L245 ProtoBios Llc Accred.withdrawal from 14.05.2022
L304 Puhas Keskkond OÜ 08.02.2022
L292 Põhjala Brewing AS Accreditation withdrawn from 05.03.2025.
L123 Pärnu Vesi Ltd 23.08.2024
L313 R-Group Baltic OÜ 25.02.2025
L284 Radexpert OÜ Accreditation withdrawn from 07.11.2023
L308 Radolab OÜ 19.02.2025
L112 Repo Vabrikud AS Accreditation withdrawn from 31.05.2023
L004 Research and Testing Laboratory of building materials,Dep of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Tallinn University of Technology 17.07.2024
L305 Respo OÜ 13.02.2024
L003 Rural Knowledge Center 11.06.2024
L226 Saaremaa Meat Plant Ltd Accred.withdrawal from 22.01.2020
L074 Saybolt Estonia Ltd 19.03.2024
L026 Scanola Baltic Ltd 13.08.2024
L195 Seadistaja OÜ Accred.withdrawal from 27.11.2020
L287 Servtec NDT OÜ 16.10.2024
L264 Servtec Solutions Ltd. Accred.withdrawal from 05.12.2018
L038 SGS Eesti Ltd 10.04.2024
L104 Siivert Elektrikontroll Ltd 08.11.2023
L312 Sisekliima OÜ 01.10.2024
L217 State Agency of Medicine 25.06.2024
L229 T.I.S. International Ltd 02.03.2025
L028 Tallinn University of Energy Technology 30.04.2024
L057 Tallinn University of Technology Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture Accreditation withdrawn from 10.12.2024
L027 Tallinn University of Technology Laboratory of Mechanical Testing and Metrology 13.06.2024
L268 Tallinn University of Technology laboratory of Roads and Traffic 19.07.2024
L306 Tallinn University School of Naturual Sciences and Health Accreditation suspended from 26.10.2024
L065 Tallinn Water Ltd 12.04.2024
L153 Tallinna Road Ltd 14.04.2024
L302 Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Elektriliste Tehnoloogiate Mõõtekeskus 20.02.2024
L078 Tartu Mill Ltd Accreditation withdrawn from 01.01.2024
L098 Tartu Veevärk AS 23.08.2022
L036 Technical Centre of Estonian Roads Ltd 30.05.2024
L223 Tehnokontroll Ltd 10.12.2024
L021 Tervisekaitsekeskus F.O.P. Servis Ltd Accred.withdrawal from 24.02.2022
L149 Test-Diagnostik Ltd 17.12.2023
L151 Testing Centre of Tartu University 05.11.2023
L231 Testweld Ltd 11.05.2024
L293 Trailertech OÜ 11.03.2025
L278 TREV-2 Group Ltd 10.03.2024
L063 TT Labor Ltd 23.12.2023
L116 TTU Chemistry Department Laboratory of Chemical Analyses Accreditation withdrawn from 13.06.2022
L076 TTU Institute of Business Administration Laboratory of Ergonomics 28.11.2023
L295 Tulelaev OÜ 21.09.2023
L047 Töökeskkonna Uuringud Ltd 26.10.2021
L016 TÜV Eesti Ltd NDT laboratory Accred. suspended from 01.01.2021
L020 TÜV Eesti OÜ 18.07.2024
L300 University of Tartu Institute of Genomics 13.05.2024
L254 Valga Depoo Ltd NDT Laboratory 11.12.2023
L113 Variax Ltd 21.02.2025
L310 Ventech OÜ 27.06.2024
L314 Ventlab OÜ 25.02.2025
L298 Viento Air OÜ 13.03.2025
L089 Vigolin Ltd Accreditation withdrawn from 01.05.2024
L092 Viljandi Veevärk Ltd 11.05.2022
L059 Virumaa College of Tallinn University of Technology 28.05.2024
L106 VKG OIL Ltd 13.12.2023
L122 VNK Ltd 06.03.2024
L091 Ökosil Ltd. 13.06.2024

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  • ''elektripaigaldis''
  • ''valgustatus''
  • ''töökeskkonna''
  • ''ehitusmaterjal''
  • Estonian Accreditation Centre Phone: +372 6 055 050 Privacy
    Akadeemia tee 21/6, Tallinn 12618, ESTONIA E-mail: